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Our Editorial Guidelines

A Novel Mind’s mission is to be the premier resource/forum for exploring mental health/neurodiversity representation in children’s lit. We raise up novels that heal, help, dispel stigma, and accurately inform – to help young people discover stories where they can see, and find, themselves.

Our blog features prominent authors and committed educators. It runs weekly, September through June. We typically schedule posts two or three months in advance. Our writers are almost exclusively by invitation. But if you’re an educator, traditionally published author, parent or therapist, we welcome hearing from you. Email us your query at

Some general guidelines:

Length: Posts are typically around 700 words, but we allow for wiggle room. Take the words you need. (Note: video and audio chats are also possible.)


Audience: You are writing to a growing audience of librarians and teachers, writers, families, school counselors and therapists (probably in that order).

Subject Matter: Posts can be about specific books, or aspects of kid lit / writing in general. The focus is mental health and neurodiversity representation.

Authors - will often write about their personal connection to their subject matter, or about special challenges in the art and craft of writing. (Note: We are happy to run a book giveaway on Twitter for you during your guest week. Just let us know if you want this.)

Librarians/Teachers - often contribute book lists, book roundups, or reviews – or they will share library or classroom best-practices. We’d LOVE more content from librarians/educators.

Parents – may wish to write book reviews or recommendations, or to share parenting stories that involve reading/literacy.

Therapists - may want to write about book groups, bibliotherapy -- anything they feel is helpful.


Please peruse past posts. But the best thing, of course, is to write what moves you.


We are an all-volunteer labor of love, so your payment is our undying gratitude, and the knowledge that you’ve put some kindness, empathy, caring, and stigma-dispelling out into the world for kids!

Thank you for your interest in A Novel Mind!

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